If you are a first time landlord, or even a first time buyer – look no further. At Loan Arena we can assist you in building your Buy to Let portfolio. We understand the process can be daunting. Therefore, our dedicated team will assist you through the entire process to make sure your mortgage completes as quickly as possible.
Looking to purchase a new residential property whilst keeping your existing property? No worries. We can help you release funds to allow you in getting a better deposit for your onward purchase, whilst organising a mortgage for your new property.
At Loans Arena we specialise in assisting customers who hold numerous Buy to Let properties. We can either review the finance of one property at the time or look at remortgaging several properties simultaneously to help you build a bigger and stronger portfolio.
A house in multiple occupancy (HMO), refers to a property where 3+ people from more than one household live under one roof and ‘common areas’ exist, such as the living room and the kitchen. We can either assist you on financing an HMO let under one AST (Assured Short-hold Tenancy) or under separate ASTs.
We can also help you get the best mortgage deal would you look at short-term holiday lets.
Financing a Limited Company But to Let can be tricky. However, our dedicated team can assist you in purchasing and/or remortgaging a But to Let property held under an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle).